A kick of flavour from around the World.


A very warm welcome to Kitchen By Anna K

I am excited you found my blog, hopefully you find some recipes you like!

I created Kitchen by Anna K in 2021. It started off as a small project/personal cooking resource. A central place where I can find all the recipes that I enjoy making and have been proven to actually work.

I was getting very frustrated when I tried a recipe from a random blog, the results were sometimes far from what was advertised! wasting my time and money…not to mention food!

I understand the Importance and responsibility that comes with sharing recipes. Therefore, I have carefully developed and tested every recipe you will see here, it is my highest priority. As long as you follow the steps and don’t substitute ingredients, you should get the same results as me.

If not I want to hear about it!

Recipe Sources

Most recipes on my website come from my own ideas. However I will often take recipes from others and add my unique spin on it. If I do, I will always add any original sources so the author gets their deserved credit.

I expect the same from others should you choose to use one of mine as your source of inspiration!

My Photos

All photos on my blog are my own. If you would like to feature my images or use them in your work, please get in touch. I would be happy to work with you.

A Kick of flavour from around the World

The mission of my blog is to spread the flavours from all over the World to your kitchen. I want to encourage people to experiment with new ingredients, techniques and new cuisines.

Tasting new things can bring so much joy and excitement -especially that the access to international cuisine is so easy and many supermarkets these days have international isles with new and interesting ingredients.

Alternatively, you can order whatever you need online. Life is too short to cook the same thing every day, therefore I hope you will be inspired by recipes from my website and try new things!

More about me

I am Polish and currently live in Scotland – UK. The country that has rain 355 days a year!

I am a cook, a cleaner, photographer and author of Kitchen by Anna K. I run this blog independently (with some help from my husband on the IT side).

I love being in the kitchen and create new recipes – especially baking – it gives me much joy. We do not eat everything I make so we share food with family and friends and they always ask for more! 🙂

When I am not in the kitchen, I love reading cook books and have a collection of 344 at the moment and counting.

I also try to be active through exercise and love to travel. Travelling is a big part of my life as it gives me an opportunity to see new places, experience other cultures…but more importantly try new food!

I have a huge sweet tooth but I will not say no to a pack of good crisps. I love collecting – and using – baking tins. My collection has taken over almost a whole room of my house.